Who We Are

So in case you were wondering what WhyNotMe? is all about ...

We are a small organization with one thing in mind, GIVING! We currently run an Outreach Food program that feeds the homeless twice a month. We also coordinate several events throughout the year that focuses on providing essential supplies and support to those in need in our community.

Our goal is to open a drop-in center that will give our youth security and hope in a time when they might wonder, WHY NOT ME? Why can't I strive? Why can't I be successful? So, if you're in need, want to donate, or know someone that might benefit from our services, feel free to reach out.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide opportunities to help support disadvantaged youth and young adults by providing essential supplies, resources, and many other services that will give them growth and stability in their time of need.


Services we offer to the community

School supplies

Annually we give out backpacks and school supplies for students.

Community Feedings

Every year we have several events to feed our hungry neighbors in our area.

Homeless Resources

We provide resource bags filled with essential supplies to our less fortuntate and homeless neighbors.

Life Skills

We provide events that teach our youth and young adults career coaching, essential life-skills, and guidance.

Our Partners